



【作者】 何艳丽





湖北省丹江口市龙山镇九年一贯制学校 何艳丽

  【摘 要】 英语阅读作为语言技能的重要组成部分,作为语言输入的主要环节之一,在英语教学中占有重要地位。培养学生的阅读能力是主要教学目标之一。
  【关键词】 阅读技巧;解题方法

  1.要判断出所给文章的类别,根据各类文章的性质,在开始阅读后有意识地着重去掌握和记住某些关键的内容和词汇。这样既抓住了要害,又节省了时间, 避免了在若干细节及无关全局的问题上纠缠, 
  2.解题时不要边看问题边从文中查找答案,因为用这种方法难以提高阅读理解的效果,尤其是对于深层理解的文章。应浏览全文,了解全文的概貌。看完后,应记住文章的要点,重要的结论以及一些关键性的人名、 地点、定义和数 字(不同的人名、地点可用铅笔在试卷上分别打上不同的记号,以便查找)。
  4.一定要掌握好解题速度,有效地控制考试时间,先易后难是考试时答题的一般方法。碰到难题时,千万不要钻牛角尖,耽误太多时间。一时做不出的题, 要果断舍弃,以免影响解别的较有把握的题。待全部题解完后,如有剩余时间 再回来做放弃的题。
  5.对于一般不影响句子或全文理解的生词,可以放过去,不必务求理解。遇到重要生词时,不要着急,也不要轻易放弃,我们可以采取根据上下文来猜词 或根据构词法来猜词等方法来猜出这个词的大致意思。
  6.有的学生采用“顺读法”,就是先读短文后读题目,然后再读短文寻找正确答案。有的学生采用“倒读法”,就是先读题目(四个选项不读)后读短文,最后寻找答案。我比较赞成“倒读法”,因为这种阅读方法是带着问题阅读,目的明确,容易集中,能及时抓住文中与解题关系密切的信息,从而节省了阅读 时间。
  (1 )The great ship, “Titanic ”set off from England to______. A. Australia B. the USA C. Arabia D. Europe
  (2)People then thought it was safe to be on the ship because__________. A. it had 16 compartments B. it had more lifeboats than other ships C. it could not sink even if 4 compartments wore broken D. both A and C
  (3)The ship was hit_______. A. when it started to cross the sea B. when a very large iceberg was suddenly seen ahead C. soon after it turned quickly on time D. soon after it had crossed the sea 
  (4)About 1,500 people were dead because________. A. the ship was the largest and finest B.4 of those compartments were broken C. hundreds of people jumped out into the water D. there were not enough lifeboats
  (5)Which is the best title(标题)for the passage (短文)? A. How Does the “Titanic” Go Down? B. How Was the Great Ship Sinking? C. The Sinking of the “Titanic” D. The Sinking of a Ship
  分析与答案:利用倒读的方法,我们可以从(1)到(4)中迅速了解到the ship “Titanic”从英国航行到 某地去,为什么那么多人丧生等。在阅读短文时,很快就能抓住有关信息,轻而易举地找出正确答案(分别是 B、D、C、D)。短文 如下:
  The great ship, “Titanic” (泰坦尼克号), set off for America in April 1912 on its first trip. It was carrying more than 2,000 people.
  The “Titanic” was the largest and finest ship at that time. People thought it was safe to be on the ship because it had16 compartments(密封舱)with it. Even if(即使是)4 of those were   broken, it would still be able to stay on the sea.
  Four days later, when the “Titanic” was crossing the sea, the man on watch suddenly saw a very large iceberg ahead. The great ship turned quickly on time, but before long there was around from below. The captain went down to see what was the matter. To his surprise, he found the ship was sinking fast because 5 compartments had been broken! Hundreds of people jumped out into the water. As there were not enough lifeboats , about 1,500 lives were lost.
  (5)是问短文的最好标题的,属于深层理解, 当你读了短文就会明白最好 的标题不是A(Titanic是如何 下去的),也不是B (这艘大船是如何正在下沉的),也不是D(一只船的下沉),而是C (“Titanic”号沉船事件)。
  总之,解答这类题的中心步骤就是阅读,既要阅读短文,又要阅读题目。阅读时要注意阅读技巧,提高阅读效率。在做到以上几点的基础上,就可以对文章后面所给的问题,分别用“一次判断”、“逐个分析”以及 “排除法”等方式来进行判断解答了。

  • 【发布时间】2017/6/6 8:58:14
  • 【点击频次】374