b /b/ bus bike big best bear
c /k/ cat cook cap coat clap
c/s/ nice city celebtate practice
d/d/ dog dad day duck ride
f/f/ foot feel food fill frog
g/g/ go get gold good got
h /h/ he hat hot house hit
j /dʒ/ jeep jump jam job Japan
k /k/ keep kid kind kick kite
l /l/ lion lab light look luck
l/l/ ball tall mall call fall
m /m/ milk mouth may moon me
n /n/ nose knee new now not
p /p/ peach pass pen pet put
r/r/ right ride red ruler room
s /s/ school sun sweet smile soft
/z/ those his these easy nose
/s/ maps likes cakes helps cooks
/z/ does goes photos potatoes
/ ts/ cats rabbits hats bats
字母d+s发 /dz/ birds words beds
s ,sh ,ch ,x后发音为:
/ iz/ washes buses boxes watches
t / t/ talk tea tiger taxi top
v /v/ five vest violin very vase
w/w/ war warm word work we
x /ks/ taxi box text next fox
y/ j/ year yes your yo-yo you
/ai/ why sky fly cry try
/i/ sunny windy cloudy snowy
z /z/ zoo zip zero zebra
a /ei/ cake grade plane make face
字母a在w或wh后常发/ ɔ / wash want what
字母a在ss, st, sp, sk, th, f, n前发 / a:/ grass class
pass ask dance after basketball glass
e/ i:/ she we he me be
i /ai/ bike nine kite like line
o /əu/ nose note go no close
在重读音节中,字母o在m, n, v, th前发 /ʌ/
come son some front month other love
u /ju:/ use student useful excuse unit
在字母l,r,j后读/ u:/ ruler blue June glue
a /æ/ hand bag dad cat cap
e /e/ desk leg pen yes pet
i /i/ ship his pig big sit
/ ai/ kind right find mind behind
o /ɔ/ hot box dog not clock
/ əu/ post most hold old told cold
u / ʌ/ nut but luck cut plum duck
少数情况下发 /u/ put full push
a /ə/ about China America across
字母a在重读音节后发/i/ orange village e /ə/ problem open hundred student
i /ə/ holiday family beautiful terrible
o /ə/ second polite
u /ə/ autumn success
cc /ks/ accident accept success
ce /s/ rice nice ice juice
ch /tʃ/ chant check cheap chess
/k/ school Christmas tech
ck /k/ chick jacket clock neck
dr /dr/ driver dress drama draw
ds /dz/ beds birds rides seeds
ge /dʒ/ page age orange large
dge /dʒ/ knowledge bridge cabbage
gh /f/ cough laugh enough
gr /gr/ grape grandfather grow
nk /ŋk/ thank think ink
ph /f/ phone photo elephant telephone
qu /kw/ quiet quite quail quick
sh /ʃ/ shoe sheep short shall
th /θ/ mouth month throw thirteen
tr /tr/ train tree try trouble
ts /ts/ coats cats hats seats
tch /tʃ/ watch catch match
tion /tʃən / suggestion question
tion/ʃən/ invention operation
wh /w/ what when white where
wh/h/ whose who whom whole
ai /ei/ train wait rain paint
ar /a:/ scarf card hard party
ar/ ɔ:/ award warm war
au / ɔ:/ caught autumn August
au/a:/ aunt laugh
augh / ɔ:/ daughter naughty taught
ay /ei/ play way day today
ay/ i/ Monday Tuesday Wednesday
air /εə/ hair air chair stair
all / ɔ: l/ ball call small hall
ea /i:/ speak jeans teach beach read
/ e/ weather sweater bread head
/ iə/ really theatre
ed/d 在清辅音后发音为:
/t/ collected worked jumped helped
/ d/ played cleaned watered studied
/id/ visited wanted waited needed
ear/iə/ hear ear near tear dear year
ear /eə/ bear wear pear
ear/ə:/ learn earth early
ee/i:/ meet sweet sleep three
eigh /ei/ eight eighty weight eighteen
er /ə/ winter sister marker clever
ere /eə/ there where
ere / iə/ here mere
er /ə:/ certainly term her term person
ew /ju:/ new few view newspaper
ie /ai/ tie die lie
ie/i:/ believe piece field thief
ing /iŋ/ making flying going dancing
igh /ai/ light right night high
ir /ə:/ bird girl third first shirt
ire /aiə/ tired tire fire hire
oa /əu/ coat boat road goat
old / əu ld/ cold fold gold hold
oo /u:/ room pool moon food
oo/u/ foot book good cook
ou / au/ ground sound around about
ou/ ʌ/ touch cousin young country
ou/u:/ rount group
oul /u/ would could should
oi,oy /ɔi noise boy enjoy
or /ɔ:/ sport forty horse report
字母组合or在w后发 /ə:/ work world worse
ow / au/ brown cow flower town down
ow/ əu/ snow row window rainbow
oor /ɔ:/ floor door
ore /ɔ:/ before more store
our发/ ɔ:/ 或 / ə / four your colour neighbour
ui 发/u:/或 /ju:/ fruit juice suit
ur /ə:/ purple burn hurt nurse return
ure / uə/ sure pure cure
5./p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/ ,以上三组爆破音相邻时,前一个要失去爆破。例如:blackboard goodbye
6爆破音后若有/ tʃ/,/ dʒ/,/ m/,/ n/,/ f/,/θ/时,也要失去爆破。 例如: pictrue subject
7./d/ ,/t/,/l/在/ s/前,发不完全爆破。
例如:outside , friendly 等。
I get up at about six o`clock am.
Look at the blackboard .
What are you doing ?
How old are you ?
Wake up !
Look out !
- 【发布时间】2022/1/17 12:24:58
- 【点击频次】531